Natural antiviral remedies - Part 1: Antiviral herbs

Nature is great at producing wonderful herbs that are packed full of essential vitamins, and many boast excellent antiviral properties too. In the fight against coronavirus, flu, and other viruses, we take a look at some fantastic antiviral herbs which can be added to food and teas to boost your immunity.  


Fight the flu with elderberry

A product of the European elder tree, the dark purple elderberry has been used in food and medicine for years and is known for its antiviral properties, especially against the flu. Studies show that proteins found in elderberries are able to block those in the flu virus, which prevents them from entering the human body and replicating in its cells. In fact, elderberry compounds have been found to block the flu virus as a number of stages, making it very efficient in fighting it off. You can also take elderberry after getting the flu, and it will help to lessen your symptoms, plus it will help you to produce antibodies to make you more resistant to it in the future.


Antiviral properties of ginger

Derma Organics Blog Natural antiviral remedies - Part 1: Antiviral herbs GingerLike elderberry, ginger has been used in medicines for many years and is effective in fighting both viruses and bacteria. Research has found that fresh ginger can stop the flu virus from attaching to human cells and being internalised, helping to protect against the illness. However, dried ginger has not been found to have the same impact, so sticking to fresh ginger is definitely advisable in your fight against colds and the flu. There are a number of ways to take fresh ginger, including chewing on a fresh piece each day, mixing fresh ginger juice with honey and drinking this, or making your own fresh ginger tea.


Protect against viruses with thyme

Derma Organics Blog Natural antiviral remedies - Part 1: Antiviral herbs ThymeIf you take thyme at the first signs of a cold or the flu, you’ll find that it reduces your symptoms and can build your immunity to these viruses in the future. Thyme is packed full of a whole variety of vitamins, including A, C, E and K, and is a great source of calcium, iron, and potassium too. In addition to this, it contains a number of antiviral components, such as thymol, camphor, and borneol, which help to protect the body against viruses. Both fresh thyme and its essential oils can be effective. Try adding thyme to your food, or brew your own thyme tea by brewing a handful of sprigs in hot water and adding lemon or honey to taste.


Banish flu symptoms with Irish moss

Irish moss, also known as sea moss or carrageen moss, has a number of properties that make it ideal for banishing flu symptoms, including its high levels of potassium iodide which make it effective in dissolving phlegm and fighting coughs. Packed full of vitamins, including A, D. E, F and K, Irish moss boasts a range of antiviral agents which strengthen the body against colds and the flu. Irish moss can be found growing on the rocky Atlantic sea coastlines of Europe and North America, and one of the best ways to ingest it is by using it to make tea. Simply boil it in water before adding lemon and cloves, and then simmer for 15 minutes. Honey can also be added if you like.

Now that you know which antiviral herbs are best for defeating and protecting against viruses, you can start fighting off colds and the flu using these natural products today. For more information about antiviral remedies, read our blog posts about antiviral essential oils and antiviral foods.


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