Seborrheic Dermatitis and how to successfully defeat it

Dealing with skin conditions is hard, especially when you find that your self-confidence is being affected. If you suffer from Seborrheic Dermatitis (also known as dandruff), you’ll know this feeling only too well and, although many shampoos claim that they can cure this common scalp condition, there’s actually no known cure. However, spotting the signs of Seborrheic Dermatitis is the first step into helping to lessen the symptoms of this skin condition, and here we share how you can defeat it.


Symptoms and causes of Seborrheic Dermatitis

There are a couple of Seborrheic Dermatitis symptoms which can be spotted straight away. These include skin flakes on a dry and greasy skin, red skin, and itching. You can also get dandruff on oily skin areas, such as your nose, eyebrows, ears, eyelids, and chest, but this is less common. The cause of Seborrheic Dermatitis is unknown, but it’s thought that it could be related to a yeast called Malassezia - a fungus that feeds off our skin and produces oil. Another theory is that it is caused due to an irregular response to the immune system.

You might also find that you suffer more with Seborrheic Dermatitis when you’re feeling stressed or rundown, so you might like to purchase some homemade products which will soothe your skin and lessen the risk of scratching. In fact, another cause of dandruff could be the ingredients in your skincare products, so always check these carefully so that you can research whether they could be inflaming your condition. Other medical conditions, such as depression, may also increase the likelihood of Seborrheic Dermatitis. This could be the start of a vicious cycle if the cause of your depression is your skincare, but using natural products instead of harsh chemicals on your skin can help to combat this.


Risk factors of Seborrheic Dermatitis and when to see a doctor

When your skin becomes infected, or if your scratching is drawing blood, you’ll know that your condition has become more serious. Getting infections can be dangerous, so it’s always sensible to get a professional opinion on your skin should this happen.


Seborrheic Dermatitis treatmentsDerma Organics. Scalp Stimulating Treatment

There is no known cure for Seborrheic Dermatitis, but there are treatments which can help to soothe the skin and decrease symptoms of this skin condition. For example, our Scalp Stimulating Treatment uses homemade moringa seed oil to help repair dry strands, and its spicy ginger root ingredient relieves and soothes scalp conditions such as the Seborrheic Dermatitis. This product does not include oleic rich oils, such as coconut and shea nut oil, as these can make the condition worse. This treatment can also be customized to suit your needs, which is very helpful if you have any allergies. The oily scalp hail loss treatment is specifically aimed to help aid Seborrheic Dermatitis, and can certainly help to lessen irritation and itching.

Medics recommend drinking plenty of water and taking exercise to keep your immune system in top-tip condition, which can help to relieve symptoms too. Plus, changing shampoos and conditioners often is a good idea as your hair can get used to products and become oily.

Derma Organics. Bumpz n’ Stumpz Topical Eraser™

If you’re unlucky enough to be experiencing Seborrheic Dermatitis on other parts of your body, we recommend using Bumpz n’ Stumpz. This product is specifically made to combat Seborrheic Dermatitis along with other skin conditions, and its powerful antibacterial properties reduce the formation of pus-filled blemishes.

Derma Organics. Acne Buster Herbal Soap Paste

You can also look to improve your self-confidence with the Acne Buster Herbal Face & Body Soap Paste which absorbs excess oil and eliminates dry skin. The antiseptic in the product also lessens the chance of getting skin infections, and it is packed with vital vitamins A, B1, C, and E too.

Now you know how to defeat Seborrheic Dermatitis, select the products that will help to reduce your symptoms today.


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